Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wow! Wowie! Wow . . . believe it or not it is quite a shock to me to be doing this. Sitting here and actually putting together this art blog. For years, I strayed away from the idea because I am one of those dudettes that loves change and progress. It is easy for me to become bored and I did not want to create a blog that was stationary nor did I believed I was capable of keeping it interesting and going for the masses. I like to do things right the first time (for the most part. Hahahah!) and if I feel I can't dedicate to something, most likely I won't until I feel confident I can. Quite frankly, I still don't think I can, due to the load work that I have. I'm constantly creating art pieces, either for shows, clients or my own personal, artistic development, but I figured if I can keep up with a journal, I can sure keep this going. Besides I can always pull the plug and you can all send me hate email afterwards.

So, without further ado, please let me give you all a warm welcome. Hope you enjoy my artistic rants, if not I am open to suggestions. To my new followers, thank you for stopping by and checking my stuff out and to those of you who already support me, thank you for keeping up with me throughout the years. Quite honestly my art has no meaning, no value, no presence if its not for all of you. THANK YOU! *in all caps*

Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art,

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