Friday, May 23, 2014

Hello everyone . . . first of all . . . I would like to render an apology to everyone who has been patiently waiting for commissioned pieces (from me). To those that inquired about commissioning me (whom I turned down). To the kind, talented artists that asked me to work on collaboration work (which I also turned down) and to all my fans for not keeping things fresh, entertaining and completely outdated . . . I am very much sorry. There is always purpose and a reason as to why things go the way they do and is time to (finally) come clean . . .

I been out of the game for quite awhile; which is why I don't post much artwork on here or anywhere else . . . really. I been doing A LOT of soul searching because quite frankly, I have been in a very bad place; mentally and emotionally, for the last couple of years, but I've tried to suck it up like the big girl that I am and should be. One can only do and handle so much before one breaks into pieces and during this difficult period of my life much of me was lost . . . so lost that I can honestly say, I lost my identity as a person and wasn't much inspired to do anything except sleep whenever I could. The last couple of weeks have been much insightful and I been able to connect once again with the girl (in me) I thought was long gone. Aside from feeling lost, I also felt a tremendous amount of fear. You see, art has ALWAYS been a way of life for me . . . its been my voice and my therapy ever since I can remember, but due to the many personal issues that I had to deal with, I lost touch with my muse and all that once was inspiring . . . and that was very frightening, not to mention heart-breaking.

I am happy to be able to reconnect with myself once more . . . I am in a much better place now and is time to go back and do the only thing I can do . . . and are great at . . . being an artist.

{ O' and get back into shape. Dear God, what did I do to my body? o.O }

Tonight is the beginning of many, many, long, sleepless nights . . . which will eventually turn into long, long months . . . but I am used to it, so I can't complaint much about the demands of my work. I am happy to feel inspired and able/willing to create once more without having to force the art out of me. That was painfully brutal; I know many artists that have gone thru this understand that feeling. Tonight, instead of sketching out a few rough ideas, I am writing down notes. These notes will serve as inspiration, reference and research for my next body of work; titled "Corpi Celesti" . . .

It is with a very grateful and humble heart that I thank God above for His infinite love towards me (He never fails me) and to my closets of friends who have supported me (directly/indirectly) through these stormy times. I cannot thank you enough. MALL, I thank you specially because you have been a great source of inspiration to me. Not only are you talented beyond reason, but you are such a fighter and an extremely lovely soul. Thank you {all} for helping me find my way back.

Much love,

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