Sunday, July 28, 2013

For the passed 2 years, I've been struggling with uploading my website. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have designed that darn thing. I tend to get bored very easily and whenever I would re-work the file, I would immediately find it boring, and there I would go again designing a whole new site. It's been so frustrating, to say the least. I am very artistic and creative as heck, but truth be told, I am inept when it comes to coding, hosting and all that nonsense . . . I am an EPIC FAIL at it. I am happy to inform you that I finally found that knight in shinning armor, who is willing to code and HOST this darn site of mine. Yay!

Anyway, so . . . Yup! You guessed it . . . I created a whole new design. Hahahahaha! So, I am happy to present to you the main page of my cyber home. I am so pleased with the way it turned out, that I am gonna produce it as a limited edition Giclée. Yay!

So stay tuned, as I will be making the announcement in the next few weeks.

1 comment:

umair said...

This post is very nice and amazing. Please, continued to write same wonderful post.